Friday, December 14, 2012

     When I first started this class, I hardly thought thoroughly of incorporating technology into my future art classroom. I might have even been against the thought. I had this idea of preserving traditions and thought technology might only hinder my abilities as a teacher. I can proudly say my point of view has been changed, and I feel excitement when thinking of all the possibilities technology can help me achieve. This class has helped me become more organized and I feel confident in finding technologies that align to my standards. I wish to continue this blog or even create a new one when I become a teacher. I want to use it to keep a record of my thoughts and lessons. I want to be able to look back on it and find out what worked and what could be changed. I can't wait to be part of a teaching community, to get feedback and collaborate using technology. I can't wait to see my students' faces light up when I show them a how-to YouTube video, or when they make their first movie in iMovie. I want technology to be an aid in my pedagogy, and now I realize that it doesn't have to take over my classroom. It is here to provide efficiency in the classroom. To broaden students' horizons. To get them ready for a future that is moving at such a high speed. This changing world calls for changing classrooms and as a future educator I want my students to be as empowered by art as they are by technology.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

      For my final project I chose to use the lesson plan I worked with in my CURR 310 Inclusion module. It is geared towards grades 8 or 9 for about 3 sessions. The objective is for students to become familiar with the works of Wayne Thiebaud and to create original works of art base on the components of the artist's works. Here is an example of his work, which is included on the lesson plan:

I knew it would be a challenge because technology wasn't incorporated into the lesson plan. Although it is ideal because it will make the technologies solely support my pedagogy instead of taking over my job.

     To begin, I made sure to identify the main educational goal of the lesson plan. This is to teach students about artistic elements of a painting. Using the style of the artist above, teaches them to be aware of the decisions they make as they create their paintings. The lesson will start by introducing Wayne Thiebaud and his work. I will provide a slideshow to ensure enough information, pictures, and facts are offered to the students. I will use a smartboard/chalkboard to write down key terms to make sure they know they're important to look back to. I will provide the class with graphic organizers to aid children with disabilities or to provide extra references for English language learners. I will then bring up a discussion about what the students think about his art. I hope this will help get them thinking about styles and compositions. This will line up with the standard 1.1.2.D.2 - Identify elements of art and principles of design in specific works of art and explain how they are used. Along with Nets-S Communication and Collaboration.
     After a discussion about the artist I will inform the students that they will have to create an original work of art based on these artistic elements. I will have them use computers to research  artistic elements and become familiar with the vocabulary. After the students are comfortable with the material, I'll give a demonstration on how to mix and paint a picture based on the elements. I will use a smartboard or computer to constantly have a picture of the finished product so students will know my goal. This aligns with the standard 1.3 - All students will synthesize those skills, media, methods, and technologies appropriate to creating, performing, and/or presenting works of art. They are learning from both technology and myself, what is expected of them when they paint their piece. They are also demonstrating Nets-S 3 and 4. 
      Students will then be expected to use vocabulary to describe various art forms and critique my painting (Standard 1.3.P.D.3). I will help facilitate the discussion so they use vocabulary words correctly and then later can critique each other's work as well as their own. I will make them vocabulary charts so they can reference back to the key terms. Also, I will write down any good comments about the painting on the chalkboard/smartboard for everyone to see clearly. Finally, they will complete a short vocabulary quiz now that I am confident they understand how to use the key words in a real situation. This demonstrates Nets-S: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making.
     Next they will begin creating their art projects. They will create two-dimensional works of art while exploring color, line, shape, form, texture, and space (Standard 1.3.P.D.2) as well as use creativity and innovation, critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. This is their planning stage. Before they get a canvas, I want to make sure they made decisions on what direction they want to go in. They can look up different desserts that they would like to paint and be given tablets to sketch on. I will also provide background music while they work because I think it provides students with a calming and inspirational atmosphere.
     Finally, students will incorporate principles of balance, harmony, unity, emphasis, proportion, and rhythm/movement in the creation of their work (Standard 1.3.8.D.1). They will be given supplies and time to complete their original paintings. Once they finish they will have a group discussion and critique each other's pieces. They will provide feedback and discuss the elements used in the paintings. They will take what their peers said and perform a self-assessment. I will ask them to take pictures of their works and we will compile it into a digital portfolio. This part of the lesson completes Nets-s Creativity and Innovation, Communication and Collaboration, Technology Operations and Concepts. They are creating their own artwork, discussing it with one another, and then using technology to archive it.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

     I was shown this video through a social media network, and I was compelled to share it with fellow teachers. It is not about incorporating technology into the classroom, but instead about a teacher educating children about the importance of their lives and what really matters in life: happiness. It also made me realize how much technology plays a role in our lives as teachers. I wouldn't have had the opportunity to be inspired by this video if I wasn't part of social media. As teachers we need to take advantage of technology and spread hope, and inspiration to one another. This is what I hope to do by showing this video. I hope you then in return share it with a friend and build on this community.

Shelter From the Storm by John X. Carey

Thursday, December 6, 2012

     This is a blog I came across when researching how to integrate technology into the classroom. It is geared towards art classrooms and offers videos, pictures, and programs on how to introduce technology into your curriculum. It has a wide range of information from the progression of technology, to the importance and benefits of integrating it for students. They offer ideas and projects that students can do using technology and different tools such as Architect Studio 3D. It also provides many useful websites to further your knowledge on the programs. It's is a friendly, easy to understand blog that teachers can use as a resource for their classrooms.
"It is important that as teachers, we are up to date with the technology and current media that our students are using to communicate with one another. It is our job to "Move with the Times!" and this blog will hopefully help introduce you to some of the programs that are out there in technology land!"
-Adrienne Zajac
Aspiring Fine Arts Teacher

Envisioning the future of education technology
Browse more infographics
"This visualization attempts to organize a series of emerging technologies that are likely 
to influence education in the upcoming decades. Despite its inherently speculative nature, 
the driving trends behind the technologies can already be observed, meaning it's a matter
of time before these scenarios start panning out in learning environments around the 
     Interactivity #5 made me realize how lucky I am to be able to communicate with a teacher with such ease. It took literally minutes for the teacher I emailed to get back to me with her answers. I was shocked and pleased at how easy and efficiently I received them. It made me feel grateful to technology. Setting up appointments to speak with someone is a stressful and long process. Email gives me the power to access the wisdom and understanding of an experienced educator in minutes. It makes me feel like I have support in all that I'm doing. I know I can check in with someone who has done this all before. I can ask her what worked, what didn't, and how to improve. I have support at my fingertips and plan to use as much as I can when becoming a teacher. I think support is key and I know that I will feel confident knowing a friend, colleague, and a teacher are just a few clicks away.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

     The teacher I was able to interview is a young female from the Parsippany-Troy Hills school district. She is a High School art teacher, teaching various grades 9 - 12. I chose her because this is the grade level I hope to one day teach. Also I chose her because I have gone to her in the past with questions about becoming an art teacher. She shows passion and wisdom when it comes to her students and practice. The survey showed me that my teacher was not knowledgeable about NETS for students nor for teachers. She said she was unfamiliar with them, and did not even know if the state has implemented them. As for her school and school district, she said she believes they have not been implemented. She did not seem to know much about them, and gave little information indicating that she has.
     I was surprised that she wasn't familiar with these standards because I believe this school uses technology integrated into the curriculum. I know she is a passionate teacher and technology literate herself, so this came as a surprise to me. I don't believe the school is implementing these standards, but I do believe the teacher is aware of the importance of technology in the classroom, whether it be listening to music in class or using a digital camera. An art teacher, like herself, has many opertunities to use technology in the classroom such as to aid her in teaching as well as aiding the students to complete projects. This is what these standards are about and without even knowing them formally, I believe this teacher still practices them. This is why I was surprised at her response when it came to knowing about the standards, but I was not surprised when she told me about the importance of technology in the classroom.
     The school has many classes offered, which is different from NETS but they still promote technology in class, such as graphic design, computers, and digital photography. Some of which students need to graduate, which indicates that the school is fully aware of how important it is for students to be media literate and comfortable using technology. The school has a mac lab where students can use computers for homework, projects, and certain software such as iMovie.
     As a future educator it is my duty to speak to my colleagues about these standards. It is important that we are aware of both Nets-S and Nets-T. I think teachers would benefit from collaboration and discuss the best ways to incorporate these standards into our lessons, as well as creating new ones with the standards in mind. I would like to bring up their importance in a classroom and the impact they will have on both student and teacher. I hope that my future school district will implement these standards so that my colleagues are aware of them, but if not I will now be sure to discuss them with my fellow teachers.

Monday, November 26, 2012

     This is a website I came across while searching for useful technology for the art classroom. It is a website for art teachers to create a profile and discuss with each other techniques, projects, blogs, and share videos as well as photos.

      This is a great way for teachers to feel like they have support from people who are passionate and trying to accomplish the same goals. It can offer ideas and solutions.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

     When searching for an appropriate lesson plan, I realized I wanted an activity that would really challenge and utilize the standards as well as revolving around the importance of technology integration in the classroom.  So I chose one that seemed like a fun activity for students and one that gave them a chance to create art through a computer. They are creating fantasy landscapes through 3-D art programs. I like how this lesson lets a student really explore their imagination, and it lets them go places they could never without technology. I like how it is a tool for the students, instead of just a tool for the teacher. They are learning how to navigate the computer while enjoying themselves. I thought this lesson plan was a well balanced and exciting activity, that technology is vital for.
      I believe that the goals of the curriculum, teaching strategies and technology used were in alignment and well thought out. The goal is to get students to create visual art and perform their knowledge. The teaching strategies were thorough and the technologies aided them along the way. I like how the activity started off with gaining background knowledge through research, and then followed by demonstrations. This provides students with everything they need before embarking on their own. The use of the computer and the programs used were aligned with the strategies and helped students get closer to the curriculum goal. It is essential because the computer and all these programs can take students to new worlds, and give them tools to create things from their wildest dreams. I as an art teacher want my students to have all the tools I can teach them, and these computer skills are vital.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Click here to see a great website about "teaching art in a technology rich and connected classroom." It contains a great video presentation about the ways technology enhances the art classroom and the many benefits of it. She also gives many examples of different activities for students and how to integrate technology into them.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

     For this activity it made me really feel and think like a teacher and what technology I will use in my classroom to aid me. I found it useful to list them, and see what benefits they will bring. I feel like it is something I can really go back to and use as a teacher to make sure I am integrating technology to my full ability.
     Some technologies that serve purpose for my CURR 314 class are the websites that students can use to upload their finished work - a digital portfolio.  It will help me assess their progress and see their art organized as a whole. As for my READ 411 class the research technologies such as online databases serve purpose because it will help them organize their research and create more in depth and organized research papers.
      I have mixed feelings about how authentic this activity's collaboration was. I feel like I was able to work with my group members effectively and easily. It was fun to see the document grow and learn more with each members' post. It also made me want to get things done faster so that I wouldn't be left behind in the activity. I think that was a very positive experience and outcome, however I feel like meeting face to face and speaking to each member would have been more collaborative. I feel like discussion fuels ideas and when you bounce concepts off others they come back even stronger. I felt like I couldn't achieve that using the good spread sheet. Overall though, I found it a great experience and would definitely have students do this kind of activity in the future.

Friday, October 19, 2012

     In comparing this interactivity to the last one, I find it interesting how the people of my generation view technology as only iPods, iPads, phones, and computers when technology is also as "simple" as a chalkboard. We forget how important these technologies are to everyday learning and life. One of the definitions of technology is "the sum of the ways in which social groups provide themselves with the material objects of their civilization." The radio, the television, movies, are all technologies that impacted education for better or worse.  
     I would say according to the video, film has influenced art the most. I feel like you do not need much for an art class, besides physical supplies; but when it comes to ideas and demonstrations films could come in a lot of use. I recently watched a very old instructional video in my ceramics class, and it gave me tons of ideas and inspiration. It was like having a teacher right in front of me, showing techniques and sharing designs. I could see this being very helpful to kids in a classroom, because teachers have a hard time helping each student. A film reaches every student and impacts and generates different ideas in each.
     After reading the article it changed the way I first thought of film in the classroom. Grace said that her grandmother never really saw any innovation with film in the classroom. That it was more forced upon them because of the desire for proficiency. I know it can't replace a teacher and whoever would think a film would be better probably has never tried to teach someone. After doing the readings I decided to choose a technology that serves a great purpose, and doesn't take over the teachers job. It has been used many times in my art classes, and that is the slide projector. It gives students a chance to see things they might never have gotten the chance to see. It opens the room up for discussion and opinions. The teacher can use it as an aid in a easy and fast manor. I think the side projector is all an art class would need. Sometimes I am very against the idea of newer technologies used for art. In my personal opinion I like the idea of art being the slow way to make things. I like processes and keeping traditions. So I think a slide projector is a non-distracting technology that is a key to culture, master work, and inspiration for students in the classroom.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Slide projectors can take students to countless museums, countries, and also provides inspiration without them ever having to leave their seats.

I found this video when watching the one for interactivity #2, I thought it was cute and simple. It did a good job in setting up a visual  timeline. I thought it was a good way to organize thoughts about the advancement of educational technology throughout time.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

     Technology has become such an important factor when it comes to education, and the new generations. There aren't many ways to avoid it in today's society and as a teacher I need to be aware of that, as well as accessibility to my students. The first video, "Olivia's Story" reminded me that I will be teaching students from all different home situations and lifestyles. Some may not have a computer to do school work on, write up essays, or watch a YouTube video relevant to a lesson. I have to make sure everyone in my class has the same opportunities that Olivia had, and the resourcefulness she has shown. I think it is very inspiring that Olivia has found ways to become so tech savvy when she doesn't have the convenience of owning a computer. Using the schools computer, the Mac Store, and her apartment's communal computer to access social medias and develop her computer skills are a great example of what students can do when they do not personally own a computer. It's important to me as a future teacher because I would want my students to be able to have access to a computer. Especially when it comes to art, the computer and internet have given me a limitless place for inspiration when it comes to art projects. As Olivia has inspired, I want to give my students ways to find access to the internet for when they graduate and move on with their careers or higher education they can be prepared for what is excepted of them.

     The three technologies I chose are my phone, MacBook, and my iPod. My phone is constantly with me and I feel lost, vulnerable, and disconnected when I don't have it. I sometimes feel that we depend on technology too much in today's society. For example I use my phone's GPS all the time, anywhere I go. This has made my life so much easier and I never have to be afraid of getting lost, except if I am without it. This has happened before and it makes me realize how dependent I am to it. I can't deny the fact that my phone is such a useful tool; I still use it constantly and it has shaped my life. It connects me to friends, family, work, and emergency aid. The next technology I chose is my laptop. It has shaped my life in giving me easier access to the world and connects me to news, friends, and blogs. When I'm not on my phone I'm usually on my computer, checking Facebook, Tumblr, or my email. It has helped me become a better learner in making information so readily available to me. My computer has impacted the ways in which I learn new information the most out of the three technologies I've chosen. I can read scholarly journals, and watch videos to help me learn anything I want. My last technology I've chosen was my iPod. For me, this device has shaped my life a lot because music is such a big part of myself. My music styles have changed throughout years as well as myself, and I think it reflects that greatly. I also think music is a great way to communicate and connect to people around you. Sharing and showing others your music is what music is about, finding a connection to someone you have never met, which is a common theme in technology as a whole. I feel like I share many of the same views about technology as the young people in the videos. I picked similar technologies and they did a great job in explaining why and how they have made them a better learner. Whether it is expressing themselves, connecting to people, learning languages, or learning how to use teamwork in real life situations these students use technology to get a head in the world.
     Technology has become a big influence on the younger generation because of its convenience. It can do so much for us - record memories, play us our favorite songs, hold hundreds of books, and give us access to a world of knowledge with the click of a button. Technology is fun, exciting, always changing and new. It brings possibilities one can only dream of and the younger generations love to dream. These young people show how important technology is to them, how it impacts their lives, and aids them in learning.


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