I knew it would be a challenge because technology wasn't incorporated into the lesson plan. Although it is ideal because it will make the technologies solely support my pedagogy instead of taking over my job.
To begin, I made sure to identify the main educational goal of the lesson plan. This is to teach students about artistic elements of a painting. Using the style of the artist above, teaches them to be aware of the decisions they make as they create their paintings. The lesson will start by introducing Wayne Thiebaud and his work. I will provide a slideshow to ensure enough information, pictures, and facts are offered to the students. I will use a smartboard/chalkboard to write down key terms to make sure they know they're important to look back to. I will provide the class with graphic organizers to aid children with disabilities or to provide extra references for English language learners. I will then bring up a discussion about what the students think about his art. I hope this will help get them thinking about styles and compositions. This will line up with the standard 1.1.2.D.2 - Identify elements of art and principles of design in specific works of art and explain how they are used. Along with Nets-S Communication and Collaboration.
After a discussion about the artist I will inform the students that they will have to create an original work of art based on these artistic elements. I will have them use computers to research artistic elements and become familiar with the vocabulary. After the students are comfortable with the material, I'll give a demonstration on how to mix and paint a picture based on the elements. I will use a smartboard or computer to constantly have a picture of the finished product so students will know my goal. This aligns with the standard 1.3 - All students will synthesize those skills, media, methods, and technologies appropriate to creating, performing, and/or presenting works of art. They are learning from both technology and myself, what is expected of them when they paint their piece. They are also demonstrating Nets-S 3 and 4.
Students will then be expected to use vocabulary to describe various art forms and critique my painting (Standard 1.3.P.D.3). I will help facilitate the discussion so they use vocabulary words correctly and then later can critique each other's work as well as their own. I will make them vocabulary charts so they can reference back to the key terms. Also, I will write down any good comments about the painting on the chalkboard/smartboard for everyone to see clearly. Finally, they will complete a short vocabulary quiz now that I am confident they understand how to use the key words in a real situation. This demonstrates Nets-S: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making.
Next they will begin creating their art projects. They will create two-dimensional works of art while exploring color, line, shape, form, texture, and space (Standard 1.3.P.D.2) as well as use creativity and innovation, critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. This is their planning stage. Before they get a canvas, I want to make sure they made decisions on what direction they want to go in. They can look up different desserts that they would like to paint and be given tablets to sketch on. I will also provide background music while they work because I think it provides students with a calming and inspirational atmosphere.
Finally, students will incorporate principles of balance, harmony, unity, emphasis, proportion, and rhythm/movement in the creation of their work (Standard 1.3.8.D.1). They will be given supplies and time to complete their original paintings. Once they finish they will have a group discussion and critique each other's pieces. They will provide feedback and discuss the elements used in the paintings. They will take what their peers said and perform a self-assessment. I will ask them to take pictures of their works and we will compile it into a digital portfolio. This part of the lesson completes Nets-s Creativity and Innovation, Communication and Collaboration, Technology Operations and Concepts. They are creating their own artwork, discussing it with one another, and then using technology to archive it.
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